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Patch 1.03 Skidrow Crack Only Assassin's Creed Revelations Patch 1.03 Skidrow Crack Only - Hello all, ive been really obsessed with making this patch for the game Assassin's Creed Revelations. Which is best described by xbox 360 gameplay on youtube. Ive also had some really good success with download speeds during my download tests, which i've done hundreds of times before without any problems (i actually created a script that reuploads the file every 10 seconds). So obviously no issues with that or with the game itself. The patch is pretty much fully finished and includes: Red & Green: Followers: Time To Talk, Time To Act, Time To Fight, Time To Rest And Train! (The only thing to note here is that this does not affect the unlockable features such as unlocking Marcus' daughter). - Patch 1.03 Full Patch Notes - Console Patch v1.03 - PC Patch v1.03 [Assassin's Creed Revelations] [ENG] [TWR] [SKIDROW] [Crack Only] Patch 2.04 Full Patch Notes - Console Patch v2.04 - SKIDROW v2 - PC Patch v2. 04 [Assassin's Creed Revelations] [ENG] [TWR] - Console Patch v2.04 Full Patch Notes - SKIDROW v2 - PC Patch v3.04 [Assassin's Creed Revelations] Full Patch Notes (Console and PC) - Console Patch v3.04 Full Patch Notes - SKIDROW v3 - PC Patch v4.04 [Assassin's Creed Revelations] Full patch notes (console and pc) Special Feature: The Special Edition Mission: The Lost Archive! Download Link: => Now you can Download Assassin's Creed Revelations At the Same Speed of your Normal Download Speeds, Try it out and you won't be disappointed. => => Now you can Download Assassin's Creed Revelations At the Same Speed of your Normal Download Speeds, Try it out and you won't be disappointed. - The Lost Archive DLC is an expansion to the main game that features a new story, new environments, and 40 minutes of exclusive gameplay. The main character is Sofia, who is Ezio Auditore da Firenze's mother. This story takes place in 1459, 20 years before the events of Assassin's Creed II. The Lost Archive is a downloadable content pack for Assassin's Creed: Revelations, released on November 29th, 2011. It is available via the PlayStation Store, Xbox Live Marketplace and Steam. The download is free of charge and adds a new campaign to the main game. The DLC revolves around Sofia Sartor, Ezio Auditore da Firenze's mother who was a member of the Assassin Order at one point in her life. She left the Assassins during her pregnancy with Ezio in 1459 to protect her child from them and their enemies. In this DLC she meets with Giovanni Borgia who convinces her to seek out an artifact called "The Lost Archive". eccc085e13